The Resource for Experts Speakers, Authors, Coaches, Consultants, Trainers...really anyone with content and a message...Who Want to Scale Their Business

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Trademarking Your Online Course & Podcast
You’ve heard the term “trademark”, you’ve seen the ®, you know you need to “get around to doing it” but instead you think, “I’ll do it later.” Well, later is now, my friend. And it’s easier than you think!

Course Ideas Matrix
Figuring out where to begin creating your course just got that much easier! With this Course Ideas Matrix, you'll know how to think about what you ought to develop first.

All The Tools You Need to Build A Successful Online Business
How Many Different Tools Are You Currently Using to Keep Your Business Running?
Imagine an all-in-one solution! Join Kajabi through Molly and you get access to the BEST online course platform out there. PLUS Kajabi's 24 x 7 x 365 support!
Tell Me More!Need a Kajabi Website... by Tonight?
Consider it done!

Need Some Extra Accountability? How About Some Coaching From Molly? Join the Get Your Course Online MasterMind.

Become the Expert Everyone Wants Access To.
It's Never Been This Easy to Be Known For Your Expertise. And Kajabi is the Platform That Will Enable You!

Who am I? On any given day, you'll find me speaking to CEOs and their Leadership Teams or facilitating their annual offsites. Honestly, they have me on speed-dial.
But what changed my business was when I started creating online courses for executives. Here's what happened. After I created my first online course, my mind shifted. It shifted to scale. I thought... how can I show up for them, be more, do more, and positively affect more executives.
After finding success with my content online, I realized that there was a huge knowledge gap - especially in the world of experts - anyone who has content really - between what people thought delivering material online looked like and what it actually is. I looked at online courses, group coaching, memberships, digital downloads, all with a different lens - especially after spending my corporate career running Marketing and Strategy for Technology companies.
I know what it takes to scale businesses. And, I'm here to help you look at your business and figure out ways for you to scale. So you can spread the message you were meant to spread... and realize the revenue you deserve.

Ready to get some Sales Pages, Opt-Ins, or even your entire website up and running? It's time to get off Wordpress - the site where plugin nightmares thrive - and get your site on the right platform. Here's where you can get that done fast! And with confidence!!

Have your content ready to film? Whether it's Video or Audio over Slides, here are the products you'll need to get your course recorded and ready to go.

If you need more information or want to talk about the right path for your online product journey, please reach out!
[email protected]
1 (720) 418-8411