How much does it cost to register a trademark for your online course?
Dec 11, 2020Have you protected your course yet with a registered trademark with the United States Patent Trademark Office (USPTO)? Well, now is the time my friend! Because as of January 2, 2021 the USPTO TRADEMARK FILING FEES ARE INCREASING!!
It’s time to protect your online course - and your wallet!!
How much does it actually cost to file a trademark?
The cost to register a trademark in the United Sates can vary, so stick with me here.
The cost to file your trademark directly with the United States Patent Trademark Office is called a Trademark Registration Filing Fee. You will incur these filing fees regardless of whether you file on your own or file through a trademark attorney.
Cost to Trademark
Trademark Filing Fee * Number of Classes = USPTO Trademark Filing Fees
There are three ways you can file your trademark. The first two are through TEAS (Trademark Electronic Application System, USPTO’s online system, and then there is the traditional paper application. Let me explain them a little more:
- TEAS Standard: When you’re filling out the information for your Trademark, The Standard Method provides you the opportunity to create a custom description. The description is where you describe your products/services. However, just like creating anything custom, it’s going to cost you a little bit more than just the pre-approved option. The TEAS Standard rates are as follows:
TEAS Standard 2020 Rate: $275 per Class.
TEAS Standard 2021 Rate: $350 per Class.
- TEAS Plus: The second method of filing using the TEAS System is called the Plus Method. You would use this method if you’re able to use an acceptable description that has been essentially pre-approved by the USPTO. The USPTO has some already approved common language that people are able to use in their trademark description (the government loves a good cookie-cutter process!). If you agree to use this common language – and it works for you what you want to trademark – then the price to file is cheaper.
If you are filing a trademark for an online course or membership or podcast, this would be the method in which you want to file.
TEAS Plus 2020 Rate: $225 per Class.
TEAS Plus 2021 Rate: $250 per Class.
- Paper Filing: This is the method of filing you would use if you lived in the 1900s. Save your money. File electronically. To file using the Paper Method costs at least $600. Save your money...and some trees. File electronically!
You may see references to TEAS Regular, TEAS RF or TEAS Reduced Fees. These are old filing types and are no longer available for filing.
For an up-to-date fee schedule, you can always go to the USPTO website.
Attorney Fees
So let’s talk about attorneys. If you live in the United States, you certainly don’t need to pay attorney to file your trademark for you. But if you do choose to go this route, in addition to your Trademark Filing Fees, most attorneys change around $750 - $1,500 to file your trademark. If you live outside the United States, you will need an attorney to file for you.
The Attorney Fee is for the attorney to navigate the filing process, identify your classes, help you write your trademark description, provide guidance as to the specimens you need to put together, and actually file the application online. At the end of the day, you still have to do much of the work. But they’re there to guide you through the process.
Can I register my trademark myself... without an Attorney?
Honestly, once you have all the documents and information ready, filing the online application with the USPTO doesn’t really take that long.
My recommendation is that you put everything together and file it yourself.
Because… it’s really not that difficult to file a trademark on your own without an attorney.
If you’re thinking… well maybe I’ll go with one of those cheaper alternatives, like LegalZoom. Okay. Don’t! You’re wasting money.
Because what you really need is to have the knowledge. The knowledge of how to get a trademark registered.
Here’s what we know about online courses. If you have one online course in you, you have many. And you’re going to want to trademark more than one name. If you have a podcast, you’ll want to trademark that as well. Maybe it’s time you learned how to do it yourself?
For a sneak peek into the entire step-by-step process of how to file a trademark with the United States Patent Trademark Office, go to www.fileatrademark.com
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